Transparent and Predictable Employment Conditions Act
Never fun to post a Moof NWS message with a 'legal' article. And certainly not around the start of the summer holidays. Then of course we would like to “sit somewhere else” with our thoughts. Sun, sea, beach, rest, freedom, nature, relaxation. Circumstances like that, so to speak. So: bite through this “sour apple” together!
Here we go: In this case it concerns an extension of the existing information obligation for the employer, regarding transparent and predictable employment conditions. Effective 1 August 2022. The basic principle here is that the employee is informed as soon as possible (in writing or digitally), no later than the day of the change, about the change(s) in the employment conditions.
We highlight a number of new elements:
- Place where the work is performed (fixed place, variable workplaces or the employee's own choice)
- If the employee is going to work abroad for more than 4 consecutive weeks (country, term, housing, social insurance, currency, reimbursements and return agreements)
- The dismissal procedure and the notice period
- With fixed working patterns: the duration of a working day/week; overtime arrangements and arrangements regarding changing shifts
- In case of unpredictable work patterns: reference days/hours, on-call periods
- Training: the costs of compulsory training, on the basis of applicable Union law/national law/CLA/a regulation by or on behalf of a competent administrative body.
Employees already employed before August 1, 2022 can request this more detailed information. This information must then be provided in a timely manner, within 1 month and correctly. For employees employed on or after 1 August 2022, the extensive information obligation must for the most part be provided within 1 month of employment.
Please feel free to contact us if there are any uncertainties or if more information is needed. We are happy to help!