absenteeism notifications
#mentally vital #physically fit As you are used to from us, we are constantly looking for improvements with regard to our services. Improvements aimed at unusually carefree employeeship.
In this context, we have designed an absenteeism button and placed it on our website.
Please use this absenteeism button for future sick reports. In short 'how it works':
On the day of reporting sick, you must of course first inform your client personally that you are unable to work. And then we would also like to receive a notification from you. This is of course allowed in person, by telephone. Only we understand that this is sometimes not possible, and then we would like to receive the absenteeism report completed by you via the absentee button on our website.
The practical advantage of this is that you can indicate a suitable callback moment on the first day of absence. So that 1 of our employees can contact you by phone at that time of your choice.
Of course we wish everyone health, that goes without saying. However, if you unexpectedly become ill, we will of course be happy to help you as personally as possible.
Thank you, also on behalf of our vitality partner Good Grounds