Project and abroad

You have your organization here in the Netherlands and one or a few employees have to go abroad temporarily, for example for a project. What do you need to arrange? We summarize the most important facts.
You need an A1 statement (certificate of coverage) if you are going to work abroad temporarily, but want to remain insured in the Netherlands against unemployment, illness and disability. The form is proof that you are insured in the Netherlands.
An A1 statement can be requested from the SVB (Sociale Verzekerings Bank). Moofpeople provides these documents for its customers.
The A1 statement is issued by all EU member states and confirms that you are in the country of issue forare insured against unemployment, illness and incapacity for work. The Dutch form is proof that you are insured in the Netherlands.
To be eligible for this statement, you must actually work in the Netherlands and/or have worked for at least one month before you leave for another country.
When you start working in Belgium, you must also submit a Limossa declaration in addition to an A1 statement. As an employer, you must create an account with the Belgian National Social Security Office. You must then submit a report for each project. This produces a statement with a QR code, which is used, for example, on construction projects to gain access.
There are strict controls and the fines are hefty. It is therefore important to make the notification in time. Moofpeople takes care of this for its customers.
If in doubt about the project duration, it is better to submit a Limosa report. Officially, it is not necessary for certain activities, for example for an urgent job, where a machine has to be repaired, or other urgent maintenance work. International transport and visits to conferences are also not subject to the obligation for a Limosa report.
Please note: the maximum length of stay in the previous examples is then 8 days, if it is longer, a notification is required.
Employees who temporarily move from the Netherlands (secondment) to Germany are sent for performing work, must you before work in Germany registerthereand Bee the Zoll (= customs). It concerns the following sectors:
- Build
- catering industry
- Transport and logistics
- Forestry
- Industrial cleaning
- Exhibition and stand construction
- Meat processing industry
When you go to Germany, at least make sure you employees with the following documents to have:
† Employment contract, with German translation
† de most recent pay slip (with proof of payment)
† Timesheet (registration of the start, end and duration of the work)
† A1 Certificate
† Copy of the registration at the Zollambt
Great Britain is no longer part of the EU. In addition to an A1 statement, you therefore need a Passport, so no ID card. That's something to think about. For the time being there are no further obstacles to (temporarily) working in Great Britain.